Youth Leadership Camps

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We can help!!

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Youth are our world’s future and never has our world needed us to help our youth build their leadership skills more than right now.  At Leader N U, we believe that every student has incredible strengths that can be used to not only help students with their academic and career goals, but can help students live happier, more fulfilled lives. Through the Power Skills, students are empowered to become the leaders that lie with them.

We also believe that development of Power Skills is no different than the development of any other skill. In order for skills to be built, we need to practice them, reflect on them, and practice some more. You can hear the most riveting lecture on how to shoot a basketball, but it doesn’t mean you can sink the ball. At best, you may be inspired and pick up some tips. However, it is not until you actually get out on the court and start shooting the ball, reflecting on what you did well and that on which you wish to work, do you actually start building the skill for yourself.

Power Skills work the same way. You can hear all the inspirational talks and words of advice on what to do or how to do it, but then you have to actually do it and reflect on what you did in order to get better at it. All of our content is built with this in mind. We know everyone has access to TED talks, YouTube videos, and other ways to be inspired. We want to give your students the opportunity to practice these skills through engaging, interesting and fun activities. Activities vary in type, but basically combine some kind of task or series of questions with the challenge of working with others on the task or solution. For example, teams may be asked create something, or solve something, or complete something, etc. We may also add in additional concepts and challenges that activate real-world responses, in a gamified setting. This allows our facilitators to work with students through their responses and achievements, guiding them to discover and build their own leadership voice.

All of our programming is built to be done in a synchronous format (whether online or in-person) and directly addresses the social/emotional needs of students today, helping them navigate the challenges they face now and that they will face as adults. Each student is unique and we believe the development of each students should be too. All of our program uses active learning (as opposed to passive learning) and is differentiated so each student is able to pull what they need from the experience. 

Interested in bringing a program to your local youth or getting your student signed up? Just let us know how we can help by filling out the contact form below.

Contact Form

Our team is ready to help you and your leaders continue to learn about and develop your leadership skills, even through these trying times.

To find out more about Leader N U and how we can help, please fill out this form to contact us.